The East Coast is filled with beautiful, rugged mountains and woods with incredible trails. As a family, we don't have a habit of hiking, but are really trying to change that and spend more time in the nature. We recently went to Catoctin Mountain Park where we decided to do a two-hour hike, and discovered hidden spots with an astonishing view. This is where we fell in love with hiking, and wanted to discover new trails around our home. The Catoctin hike was tricky, the ground was slippery, rocks unstable, and we realized that there is more to hiking than just the desire to breathe some fresh air. We did have hiking shoes, but other than that we had no other gear. If we wanted to be a bit more serious about hiking, avoid injuries and make this more fun, we needed poles, blankets, and sturdy backpacks.
This is where Montem Outdoor Gear stepped in to save the day. Once we got these trekking poles we were immediately in love with them. As our first set of Trekking Poles, we weren't really sure what to expect and what too look for, but these poles really kept us in balance while hiking. The long, slick poles are extremely comfortable, and have an amazing grip. These poles allowed us to push forward, even when we were ready to call it a day. They are simple and ready to use, and we are very pleased with them. We liked that they were foldable, so we could attach them to a back pack and transport them easy. It also is great as all three of us are different height, so we could adapt it to fit everyone's needs. The poles are super light, so they don't really add any significant weight to your backpack. But even though they are light, they are sturdy- several times they helped us not slip and were able to fully support our (significant) weight.
We also were looking for something to keep us warm, when we were on a break, especially during winter hikes. We are still new to hiking so some in our family have to take a break rather frequently. The ground is cold and uncomfortable, and sitting on a log doesn't really provide a good rest. This is where the Camping Blanket from Montem Outdoor Gear comes into play. This blanket is a perfect size, light, and easy to pack. We used it few times to take a break, and it was great, super warm and comfortable despite cold and damp ground. We also used it during breaks for warmth to wrap around us - we were a bit worried it would make us sweat, but it didn't. It kept us warm when the high winds blew, and it was exceptionally comfortable. Although this is a camping blanket for the outdoors, we are guilty of using it in our home! Especially when all of us are sitting on the couch fighting over a blanket, with this large and warm Camping Blanket everyone is happy. We can't wait for some nicer and warmer weather to do a picnic with this blanket, it will be perfect.